Philip Trauring wrote:

dpkg-deb -b root-base-files-1.9.0-1 /sw/fink/dists/unstable/main/binary-darwin-powerpc/base
### execution of dpkg-deb failed, exit code 10
Failed: can't create package base-files_1.9.0-1_darwin-powerpc.deb

I'll try to help, but under one condition: You have to promise to stay with us until this is cleared up and to explain in detail how you got out of it (assuming you will get out of it, of course :-) ). There have been several reports about this, but in almost all cases, the people who complained about it either disappeared into thin air or did not tell what they did to solve the problem.

This forces us all to relive the same story over and over again. Reading the list archives will not help, either, because only the problem will be found but not its solution.

Let me begin with the latest case that has come up. Apparently there the problem was caused by an outdated or incomplete installation of the


package. Rebuilding this solved the problem (although I don't know how he rebuilt it without dpkg-deb crashing again). Please try this first.

If this doesn't help, another idea was that it could be a problem with the prebinding system. This would be solved by rerunning the prebinding process via the command

sudo /sw/var/lib/fink/prebound/ -f

If this still does not work, it would be time to check the PATH variable, see whether "printenv PATH" or in tcsh additionally "echo $PATH" show that PATH contains /sw/sbin.

Finally, it would be important to know whether this happens when using FinkCommander or from the command line.


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