
I installed emacs21-xaw3d 21.3.50-200, and got some error message
about installing LEIM.  I poked around a bit and discovered that
the permissions on /sw/share/emacs/21.3.50/leim/quail were 744,
or drwxr--r--.

So I changed those permissions to 755 (drwxr-xr-w) and now all is

Ob version info:

$ fink --version
Package manager version: 0.17.4
Distribution version: 0.6.2.cvs 

$ sw_vers
ProductName:    Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.2.8
BuildVersion:   6R73

Dan Sommers

I hear, and I forget.                                  Dan Sommers
I see, and I remember.                 [insert your own joke here]
I do, and I understand.             <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
            -- Confucius       <http://www.tombstonezero.net/dan/>

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