On Jan 29, 2004, at 12:37 PM, Andreas Dittrich wrote:
/dev/disk0s10 2.5G 2.2G 167M 94% /Volumes/fink

My disk is getting fuller and fuller. Its at this level after removing th sources and doing a fink cleanup. Is it save to remove ALL the .debs ? Or is there any other way to free some disk space. Like for example sym-linking some temp-dirs to aanother partition (I already did that with /sw/src)

You can probably symlink anything you want within /sw to another partition. I don't think Fink will mind. :-)

Removing all the debs has the side effect that any time you remove a Fink package, you can't reinstall it later and will have to build it all over again. Trades time for space. A better idea is to symlink /sw/fink to another partition.

However, you should probably look for extra packages you have installed. A lot of -dev packages, for example, you only need for building. There's no point keeping them installed the rest of the time, especially if you keep the .debs around. Try out debfoster (`fink install debfoster`). It will ask you which packages you want to keep, and will then remove any other packages that are not necessary as dependencies of the ones you need. This can save TONS of space.


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