Hash: RIPEMD160

James Gibbs wrote:

On Feb 17, 2004, at 8:31 AM, Darian Lanx wrote:

Dear Community.

Is a membership something the Fink community would consider accepting?

Absolutely not. I think this is a ridiculous idea. The beauty of fink is that it is free.
Hello Mister Gibbs.
I think you misunderstood me. Fink will always be free. The question is simply if Fink is something you deem worthy enough to receive a yearly donation of you of xxx dollar at a regular interval. Since there has been much discussion that idea is fading away for various reasons, but that is indeed the initial idea behind the question.

Charging money would turn fink into just another software company. Users of fink would be cut in half at least, probably much less than that.
As I said, this is a voluntary effort, wether you give something or not is soley up to you, everybody will still download Fink for free and get their support for free.

Being a nonprofit, like Debian, so that fink can accept donations is one thing, but requiring payment for membership, if that is what you are suggesting, is out of the question in my opinion.

It is not what I am suggesting, see above :)

This is merely a step to improve our
service toward the community. Fink is a big project and the bigger it
gets, the more infrastructure it needs.

I'm not a megalomaniac. I don't care to see fink grow into a megalocom. I happen to like the small-shop nature, community-awareness and spirit of volunteerism of fink.
Sometimes pure volunteerism without a bit of guiding organisational work really doesn't do all you want it to do. Unfortunately organisation often costs money and that is what such an infrastructure would be very nice for. THere are surely many pros and cons our main wish is to finally give Fink a legal umbrellla. The rest is just bonus.

PS: David Höhn aka Darian Lanx aka dmalloc _always_ refers to me!

Why do you have two names?

Darian Lanx is a very old Handle from BBS times and I am loathe giving it up :)

- -d

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