Hello and thank you for your assistance. I have a few questions and to perfectly describe everything, a little reading is necessary, so I do apologize for the length of this.

I was forced to completely nuke my Fink directory and had to reinstall everything. So, I downloaded latest binary (0.6.2) and installed. It installed without a problem. So, after installing, I did...
>>sudo fink selfupdate-rsync
(the last time I had it setup via cvs and I wanted to try rsync) and it seemed to work fine until I got an error saying something along the lines of it not finding a 'gnu' mirror or something like that. Does anyone know what this error is about? Not wanting to deal with this right now, I did
>>sudo fink selfupdate-cvs
and it went off without a hitch. So, I went into dselect
>>sudo dselect
and updated and I received many not found errors. Perplexed, I tried
>>sudo fink scanpackages
and this seemed to fix that problem. So, I use dselect to download things like Octave, Maxima, GIMP, teTeX, anacron, etc. and it seemed to work fine. So, it finishes and knowing that sometimes newer versions of things are only available as source, I type
>>sudo fink update-all
and many things are to be updated, but at the same time, some things I was warned about were not there...

tibook:~ iqgrande$ sudo fink update-all
Information about 1314 packages read in 7 seconds.
WARNING: While resolving dependency "netcdf-absoft-shlibs (>= 3.5.1-3)" for package "netcdf-3.5.1-14", package "netcdf-absoft-shlibs" was not found.
WARNING: While resolving dependency "netcdf-absoft-bin" for package "netcdf-3.5.1-14", package "netcdf-absoft-bin" was not found.
The following 9 packages will be installed or updated:
clisp fftw-shlibs fort77 gnupg gnuplot hdf hdf5-shlibs octave tex4ht
The following 16 additional packages will be installed:
expat expat-shlibs gmp gmp-shlibs hdf5 hdf5-bin libjpeg libpng3 libtiff
libxml2 netcdf netcdf-bin pdflib readline tcltk-dev tcltk-shlibs
Do you want to continue? [Y/n]

So, I continued (is updating as we speak). Are these WARNINGS normal? Also, in checking my versions, I am running
Package manager version: 0.17.4
Distribution version: 0.6.2.cvs
and yet, I find so many people posting to this list running package manager 0.18.x . How does one get to that version? Also, do you recommend using cvs or rsync (from experience)? Thanks for all of your help.

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