On Sun, 22 Feb 2004, Daniel Macks wrote:

> On Sun, Feb 22, 2004 at 04:24:06PM +0100, jfm wrote:
> > On Feb 21, 2004, at 10:59 PM, Stefano wrote:
> > >
> > >I am having problems compiling id3lib3.7-dev, which is required to
> > >update flac. The compilation fails with the following error:
> > >
> > >c++ -Wno-long-double -L/sw/lib -o .libs/id3info demo_info.o
> > >-L../src/.libs -lid3 -lz -lpopt -lz -lpopt -lz -lpopt -lz
> > >ld: Undefined symbols:
> > >ParseNumber(unsigned char const*, unsigned long)
> > >ID3_Tag::operator[](unsigned long) const
> >
> > The flag -L/sw/lib comes before -L../src/.libs , so '-lid3' picks up
> > /sw/lib/libid3.dylib from id4lib-dev.  Remove that pkg, and the
> > build will do smoothly_ you can reinstall id4lib-dev after.
> I just tried and failed to reproduce the problem. For me, that command
> has the -L flags in the other order. It appears some relevant things
> were changed with the package on Feb 4 (but the revision was not
> increased, which IMO is a mistake). Stefano, when you had this
> problem, do you remember if you had updated your package descriptions
> after that date?

Yes, I had updated my package descriptions after the 4th of February, in
particular I had run a selfupdate yesterday, which brought a new version
of flac and thus the need to install id3lib3.7-dev.

As suggested I have removed id3lib4-dev (which was in any case there only
as a BuildDepends of some other package) and rebuilt id3lib3.7-dev.
It worked without problems.
However the flag -L/sw/lib still comes before -L../src/.libs (I have  the
output of the compilation if it can be useful).


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