hi all

i do hate to litter the list with such intro babble, but i've been using fink for well over a year now, and have always been confused by one issue.

i always keep fink itself updated using "fink selfupdate" and i use the new rsync method. it's always worked great; no problem. however, since i use fink more for play and exloration than anything else, it's just easier for me to install programs that have binary packages instead of compiling the latest and greatest by source.

but once i use the "fink selfupdate" / "fink update-all" combo, everything gets updated and compiled from source. that takes a really long time, even for my little 12" AlBook. not to mention that i don't think i _need_ to update that way. (of course, let me know if it's just more advantageous to go the source route)

so i don't really know what my question is, other than: can i update fink from source and my packages via the binary route? does that even make sense?

thanks everyone. i just feel that the more i know about what i'm using here the better i'll be in the future.

-- josh

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