
Thanks for your help.
I think I would opt for Remi's option, I don't feel like messing up my unstable fink installation with the stable one.

Remi, could you please send me the private info file?

Regards, Kenny On 26-Jun-04, at AM 01:15, Remi Mommsen wrote:


You could also build sawfish against control-center2. I have a private info file which does this. I use sawfish daily with gnome2 w/o any problems. Unfortunately, the maintainer (Daryl Anderman, cc'd) of sawfish never responded to my mail (a long time ago and I never followed it up).


On Jun 25, 2004, at 7:10 AM, David R. Morrison wrote:

If you enable both the stable and unstable trees, you should be able to
install control-center-shlibs.

To the Fink Gnome team:
The old version of control-center, particularly its shlibs splitoffs,
needs to remain available to users. I would suggest renaming the .info
file for the new version, perhaps to control-center2.info. The alternative
is to create a package for backwards compatibility called
control-center-shlibs.info . But I'm afraid that if there are still things
like sawfish which depend on the old version, it's too early to give up
the headers associated to control-center-shlibs.

  -- Dave

Kenny LU Zhuo Ming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


recently I reinstall my fink, everything goes neat and smooth, until I
want to install sawfish, I hit the
following error,

ZHUO-MING-LUs-Computer:~ luzm$ fink install sawfish
/usr/bin/sudo /sw/bin/fink  install sawfish
Information about 3268 packages read in 6 seconds.
Failed: Can't resolve dependency "control-center-shlibs" for package
"sawfish-1.3-16" (no matching packages/versions found)

ZHUO-MING-LUs-Computer:~ luzm$ fink list control-center
Information about 3268 packages read in 3 seconds.
  i   control-center                    2.4.0-6                   The
Gnome control center
  i   control-center2-dev               2.4.0-6                   The
Gnome control center
  i   control-center2-shlibs            2.4.0-6                   The
Gnome control center



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Remigius K. Mommsen                 e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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