
I found the thread opened by kinako on 2003-11-25. You said :

<x-tad-smaller>But I found a solution now: One has to compile the file periX11.c with
-O instead of -O2. I seem to remember from the distant past that this
was once needed. It seems that Apple reintroduced a very old
optimisation bug in gcc-3.3.
If Jeff doesn"t object, I will put corrected files into the
10.2-gcc3.3 and 10.3 trees tomorrow.
In the meantime, one can fix one"s own scribus info file as follows: In
the CompileScript, add a line in the middle between configure and make
all, so that it looks as follows:
./configure %c
make CFLAGS=-O routines/graphics/periX11.o
make all
Then rebuild scilab, and the crash should be history.
Where is the CompileScript?

Jean-Claude DE SOZA<x-tad-smaller>

Le 26 juin 2004, à 22:10, Martin Costabel a écrit :

Dominique Dhumieres wrote:
I have started some test with scilab-atlas-3.0-1.
As soon as I try to do something related to plot, it crashes.
Thread 0 Crashed:
0 scilex 0x0022af24 LoadSymbFonts + 0xf8

This is the same bug that previous versions of scilab had. It needs the same fix as those: One has to compile routines/graphics/periX11.c with the compiler flag "-O" instead of "-O2". See list archives from 6 months ago.


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