KDE is very slow or stops running.
Question: Could the be an issue with running Gimp-app 2.05 or OpenOffice 1.1.2.

--Problem happened on Powerbook which had both programs installed but not executed.
Demonstrated both programs to associates. KDE/Problem discovered later.
--similar /sw backup restored from sister iMac. KDE Problem went away.
--Demonstrated GIMP.app and OpenOffice again. KDE problem returns.

Any Suggestions.

MacOSX 10.3.4
fink --version
Package manager version: 0.20.5
is version: 0.7.0.cvs
KDE Version 3.2.3-21

Unstable Tree

Console is repeatedly outputting this line:
No matching processes belonging to you were found

KDE start up is very slow (Minutes)
Main Menu is slow to pop up secondary levels plus the process seems to hang
Konqueror (File access) is very slow. In fact it seems to run faster on an another local through ssh.


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