Hi All,

I just installed the postgresql-shlibs and built qt 3.3.3 with postgre

But now, when trying to build the example, I get this for each app :

>> make
> c++ -c -pipe -I/sw/include/postgresql/ -Wall -W -Os  -DQT_ACCESSIBILITY_SUPPORT 
> -I/Developer/qt-mac-3.3.3/mkspecs/macx-g++ -I. -I../../../include 
> -I/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Headers 
> -I/System/Library/Frameworks/AGL.framework/Versions/A/Headers 
> -I.moc/release-shared-mt/ -I/sw/include/postgresql -o .obj/release-shared-mt/main.o 
> main.cpp
> test -d blob.app/Contents/MacOS/ || mkdir -p blob.app/Contents/MacOS/
> c++ -headerpad_max_install_names -prebind -o blob.app/Contents/MacOS/blob 
> .obj/release-shared-mt/main.o    -L/Developer/qt-mac-commercial-3.3.3/lib -lqt-mt 
> -lz -framework OpenGL -framework AGL
> ld: warning prebinding disabled because (__PAGEZERO segment (address = 0x0 size = 
> 0x1000) of blob.app/Contents/MacOS/blob overlaps with __TEXT segment (address = 0x0 
> size = 0x13000) of /sw/lib/libpq.3.dylib
> ld: warning prebinding disabled because (__TEXT segment (address = 0x1000 size = 
> 0x20000) of blob.app/Contents/MacOS/blob overlaps with __TEXT segment (address = 0x0 
> size = 0x13000) of /sw/lib/libpq.3.dylib
> ld: warning prebinding disabled because (__TEXT segment (address = 0x1000 size = 
> 0x20000) of blob.app/Contents/MacOS/blob overlaps with __DATA segment (address = 
> 0x13000 size = 0x1000) of /sw/lib/libpq.3.dylib
> ld: warning prebinding disabled because (__TEXT segment (address = 0x1000 size = 
> 0x20000) of blob.app/Contents/MacOS/blob overlaps with __LINKEDIT segment (address = 
> 0x14000 size = 0x6000) of /sw/lib/libpq.3.dylib

and the app created won't launch.

I really don't understand what's this overlapping issue. I tried
updating the prebindings, rebuilding the pq3 shlibs, but nothing seem to
solve the issue...

Thanks :-)


Pejvan BEIGUI                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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