On 29 sept. 2004, at 14:30, Alexander K. Hansen wrote:
 % g77 --version
 GNU Fortran (GCC) 3.5.0 20040429 (experimental)
 Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

So, how can I (a) tell fink to skip the g77 dependency,
or (b) that I already have it installed?

What would be required is a placeholder package (either a virtual one or one that actually installs files) to do this. Such a thing doesn't exist right now--apparently the system-fortran package is only for Absoft Fortran.

Try asking the Fink g77 maintainer to update Fink's version--that way everybody else can benefit, too!

I wouldn' expect a positive answer. The reason is that there is no such thing as g77-3.5.0. The thing Jason has installed must be some private hack (not by himself probably, but not from gcc either). In gcc-3.5.0, g77 has been eliminated and replaced by gfortran, and Fink has had a gfortran-3.5.0 package for quite a while already. You can have both this and g77-3.4.2 installed at the same time:

costabel% f95 --version
GNU Fortran 95 (GCC 3.5.0 20040815 (experimental))
Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
costabel% f77 --version
GNU Fortran (GCC) 3.4.2
Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.


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