Hi all,

I'm having a problem with fink's mozilla: it renders bolded text as
normal text.  This means that text enclosed in bold tags is displayed
just like text outside bold tags, headers are displayed the same as
normal unbolded text at that font size, and so forth.

I've tried setting a different default font, but the problem seems to
happen no matter what font I use.  I've tried removing my .mozilla/
directory, but that doesn't fix it.  The Mac OS X version of mozilla
doesn't seem to have this problem.

Is anyone else seeing this?  Any idea if this is a mozilla problem or
a font setup problem?  Any idea how to fix it?

(I'm using fink's mozilla 1.7.2-1 under Apple's X11 1.0 (XFree86
4.3.0) in rooted mode on Mac OS X 10.3.5, with fink's fvwm2 2.4.18-1
as my window manager.)

Thanks  --Kurt

Kurt Steinkraus --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- http://kurtas.csail.mit.edu/
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