I have started on the KDE updates to 3.4, and I am getting an enormous number of loader warnings saying that nearly every kde library function overlaps with some Xorg: /usr/X11R6/lib/ library function, so prebinding has been disabled. The only package I have finished compiling so far is the arts one. Presently, I am building the kdelibs3-ssl debs. Here is an example from this build:

ld: warning prebinding not disabled because (__TEXT segment (address = 0x0 size = 0x6d000) of /sw/lib/libkdefx.4.dylib overlaps with __TEXT segment (address = 0x0 size = 0x1d000) of /usr/X11R6/lib/libfontconfig.1.dylib
ld: warning prebinding not disabled because (__TEXT segment (address = 0x0 size = 0x6d000) of /sw/lib/libkdefx.4.dylib overlaps with __DATA segment (address = 0x1d000 size = 0x4000) of /usr/X11R6/lib/libfontconfig.1.dylib
ld: warning prebinding not disabled because (__TEXT segment (address = 0x0 size = 0x6d000) of /sw/lib/libkdefx.4.dylib overlaps with __LINKEDIT segment (address = 0x21000 size = 0xc000) of /usr/X11R6/lib/libfontconfig.1.dylib

I recently changed to Xorg, and I wonder if the Xorg installation may be royally messed up? Has anyone else run into this? Do I have reason to be worried? It sure looks like it from here. Thanks in advance for any help.

my specs:

Package manager version: 0.24.1
Distribution version: 0.7.1.rsync
gcc (GCC) 3.3 20030304 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 1671)
all upgrades to SDK

Gary K. Olson

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