> ...
> > but then rebuilding libsoup-ssl
> > failed with the missing gnutls deprecated symbols.
> >
> Yes, because now the installed version of the library contains those  
> symbols...
> ...

which library? and why?

Here are the different infos.

[karma] /Users/dominiq% fink dumpinfo -f family xmlsec
Information about 4912 packages read in 11 seconds.
family: xmlsec, xmlsec-shlibs, xmlsec-bin, xmlsec-dev
[karma] dominiq ~/bin> for f in xmlsec xmlsec-shlibs xmlsec-bin xmlsec-dev ;do 
echo -n "$f: " ; otool_deps $f ; done
xmlsec-shlibs: gettext, gnutls-shlibs, libgcrypt-shlibs, libgpg-error-shlibs, 
libiconv, libtasn1-shlibs, libxml2-shlibs, libxslt-shlibs, mozilla-shlibs, 
xmlsec-bin: libiconv, libxml2-shlibs, libxslt-shlibs, xmlsec-shlibs

[karma] /Users/dominiq% nm -m /sw/lib/libgnutls.12.dylib | egrep 
3661f424 (__TEXT,__text) external _gnutls_dh_params_generate2
[karma] /Users/dominiq% nm -m /sw/lib/libsoup-2.0.dylib|egrep 
         (undefined [lazy bound]) external _gnutls_dh_params_generate
         (undefined [lazy bound]) external _gnutls_dh_params_set

> Are you on panther ?

Yes, 10.3.9 (I thought there was a mention of 10.3/unstable somewhere in 
my mail, but probably not).

> Anyway _ for you, I suggest you take libsoup-ssl.info from
> experimental/gnome2.8 _ there this problem is fixed _ and also, from my
> log, the problem of linking against the installed version.

I'ld prefer to stick with official fink/unstable if possible. In addition
I'll be out of town till the beginning of next week.

Anyway, thanks for your help.


PS I understand that people are busy with tiger, I just hope that 10.3
will be maintained for some time!-)

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