On Jun 15, 2005, at 22:27, Alexander K. Hansen wrote:
On Jun 15, 2005, at 9:01 AM, Kevin T. Broderick wrote:
On 14 Jun 2005, at 4:50 PM, Martin Costabel wrote:
Matthew Sachs wrote:
I looked through Radar, and it turns out that this is a problem which we fixed in Xcode 2.1. The cause was that between Panther and Tiger, c++filt moved from Xcode into BSD.pkg, so it was doing some funny things on upgrade installs of Xcode 2.0.
Upgrade installs of Xcode 2.0 is something that should have been strongly discouraged (or maybe it is and nobody pays attention?) There were and are people (one again today) who cannot compile packages because the have some old headers like ansi.h in /usr/ include. When they count files in /usr/include, they typically find 25% extra files - something like 3300 instead of 2700.

So what's the best thing to do if
a) I installed Tiger via update, including an update install of XCode 2.0
b) My system seems to be working, although I have no /usr/bin/c++filt

Should I wait for something to break and then worry about trying to do an uninstall of XCode followed by a clean install? Or should I be more adventurous and upgrade to 2.1 with the hope that, by the time I need to compile something that doesn't currently work with 2.1, it will be OK?

As what you've quoted said, c++filt is in BSD.pkg, which is NOT part of XCode--it's part of the main OS install. Upgrading your XCode won't give you this file.

You might try reinstalling BSD.pkg, or extracting the file from the .pkg via a 3rd-party app, e.g. Pacifist.

This only solves the missing c++filt problem, and other possible problem, extra header files,
remains though.
Most of headers have been installed by the old dev-tools/XCode, which could be uninstalled
by  "/Developer/Tools/uninstall-devtools.pl".
It might be necessary remove old headers/libs and then reinstall XCode2.0 or newer after the
reinstallation of BSD.pkg, if problem remains.


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