Le 20 juin 2005 à 10:22, Claus Atzenbeck a écrit :

On Mon, 20 Jun 2005, Michèle Garoche wrote:

Le 20 juin 2005 à 04:03, Kevin Horton a écrit :

I'm running unstable fink on Tiger, undated a few minutes ago.

gtk+2-2.6.7-2 will not compile.  It fails as:

Kevin, Daniel has just uploaded a new version of gtk+2. See if it works now
for you and report please (also if it works :).

I had the same problems yesterday. However, after upgrading to Xcode 2.1,
gtk+ compiled without problems.
Could you see if in your tree gtk+2.patch has something like this at the end:
+#include <stdint.h>
#include "xdgmimecache.h"
#include "xdgmimeint.h"

Hopefully you did not fink selfupdate after rebuilding gtk+2.


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