> I have installed gfortran as part of the gcc4 package (2:4.0.1-2).  I  
> am able to create an executable using gfortran, but when I compile  
> anything, I get messages like:
> [snip]
> This does not happen using either g95 or g77, and it did not happen  
> with my previous Panther installation.  Is this something I should be  
> concerned about?  Does anyone else see this sort of behavior, or do I  
> have a messed up installation?
> [snip]


On OSX 10.3.9, I don't see the problem with the "official" package, but I have 
built on my own several 4.1 snapshots and since the 20050709 one I see the 
problem.  I have notified Jeff Whitaker about it (I should probably post a mail
on the gfortran list some day).

As far as I can tell, adding -bind_at_load at the end of the loading
line (i.e., gfortran testfort.F -bind_at_load in your case) remove
the warnings and the executables ran fine in my tests.

In some instances I got:

/sw/lib/odcctools/bin/ld: warning multiple definitions of symbol _cacoshf
/usr/lib/libmx.dylib(single module) definition of _cacoshf

and did not find so far anyway to get rid of these warning.



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