I'm pretty busy at the moment, but I might be able to test this out on my laptop, which I haven't upgraded to XCode 2.2 yet.  The thing is, I seem to recall xmlunit not updating on there for a different reason.  I'll have to double-check.  There are a few differences between my laptop and my desktop that might explain the different behavior, the main one being that I erased my disk and did a completely fresh install of Tiger (and fink) on my desktop, while I just did an upgrade on my laptop.  I'll let you know when I have some more info.


On Dec 1, 2005, at 2:54 AM, Nigel Stanger wrote:

OK, I finally got to try this on my work machine today. Unfortunately the
bad news is that I can't reproduce the failure at all --- xmlunit builds and
installs fine for me under 10.4.3.

*However*, I do see that you have gcc 4.0.1 installed, whereas I have 4.0.0,
so you obviously have a different version of the developer tools from me
(gcc 4.0.1 is XCode 2.2 isn't it? I can't remember offhand). This is an
obvious potential culprit, although I'm not sure how. Does anyone know if
XCode 2.2 changes anything in the Java environment?

I *could* install XCode 2.2 and see what happens, but given some of the
other problems that people have encountered and the fact that this is my
work machine, I'm not entirely sure that I want to do that right at the

If anyone is willing to help me test this theory for me and possibly figure
out what's going on, that would be much appreciated.

Nigel Stanger,           mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dunedin, NEW ZEALAND.    Fnord.

Swipple Rule of Order: He who shouts loudest has the floor.

Charles A. Williams

Dept. of Earth & Environmental Sciences

Science Center, 2C01B

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Troy, NY  12180

Phone:    (518) 276-3369

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