On 2/24/06, Derek Homeier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi List,
> is it possible that the gcc_select on my system since MacOS .10.4
> should be different from everybody else's?
> Calling
> #> whence -p gcc_select
>    /usr/sbin/gcc_select
> #> sudo gcc_select --force 4.0
> *******************************************
> *** THE gcc_select SCRIPT MUST BE RUN   ***
> *** AS root (OR WITH THE -root OPTION). ***
> *******************************************
> gives fairly clear instructions... I  am sorry for not reporting this
> earlier but rather installing a wrapper script in /sw/sbin
> that would call "/usr/sbin/gcc_select -root $1", but I thought
> this should be noticed quite soon.
> Now since the current fink makes sure it calls gcc_select
> from /usr/*bin (and hides the ensuing error message!), the
> fix would not work any longer and caused me some headaches
> to track the original problem down.
> So could someone enlighten me whether fink has been broken
> for half a year without anyone else noticing or I have indeed for
> some weird reason a different gcc_select script in /usr/sbin
> than what's supposed to be in there (that machine was upgraded
> from 10.3.x without wiping the disk/archive+install or such).
> Thanks in advance,
>                                         Derek

Looks like you have the same script as I do.  How is fink "broken" by
not using a script that's on nobody's system but yours?

Alexander K. Hansen
Fink Documenter
[Day Job] Levitated Dipole Experiment

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