Peter O'Gorman wrote:
I'm not sure why, but he's getting the from /usr/share/libtool when he runs glibtoolize, he's properly getting /sw/share/aclocal/libtool.m4 in configure though. Does he have /sw/bin/glibtoolize?

I think so, although I didn't ask this specifically. He has the same libtool packages installed as I have.

One strange thing I observed with my own tests: On this machine here, although I do have everything that is used in /sw/, I saw that /usr/share/aclocal/libtool.m4 was used instead of /sw/share/aclocal/libtool.m4. Only when I moved /usr/share/aclocal/ out of the way I got the same configure file as Pascal. It compiled libmng2 correctly in both cases, though. On a second machine, it used /sw/share/aclocal/libtool.m4 directly, although /usr/share/aclocal was present, too, of course.

You are on the right track, though: While writing this, I ran another test with /sw/bin/glibtoolize removed. This gives me the same crash as reported by Pascal: No *dylib, and "~" instead of "\n".

I don't really want to understand this, but one thing is clear here: The libmng2 package needs to run these commands with %p/bin prefixed. Whether the commands then take their support stuff from /sw/share or from /usr/share is another story, but apparently less important.

Another thing is clear, too: The stuff Apple gives us in /usr/share/{aclocal,libtool} and /usr/bin/glibtool* doesn't work. Do they know this?


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