On Fri, Apr 14, 2006 at 01:32:13PM -0600, Bill Spotz wrote:
> When I do a 'fink selfupdate', I get some unexpected warnings.  Some  
> of the packages update, but some do not.  I have confirmed with a  
> package maintainer that I am not seeing the latest version of a  
> package I am interested in upgrading.  Here is what I am seeing:
> $ fink selfupdate
> Password:
> I will now run the cvs command to retrieve the latest package  
> descriptions. The 'su' command will be used to run the
> cvs command as the user 'wfspotz'. After that, the core packages will  
> be updated right away; you should then update the
> other packages using commands like 'fink update-all'.
> /usr/bin/su wfspotz -c 'cvs  -z3 update -d -P -l'

The sourceforge anonymous CVS server has not gotten any new package
descriptions since ~March 30, so if you selfupdate using that method,
you, too, are frozen in time. Only rsync and authenticated (fink
developer) CVS are up-to-date.


Daniel Macks

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