I have an iMac G5 with two non-standard things about it:

a) It has to use a web-proxy to connect to the Internet 
(except local machines of course)

b) It is configured to use my local G5 as an rsync server 
and deb server.

When I run fink selfupdate, it still hits 
bindist.finkmirrors.net as well as quince.leeds.ac.uk.  Now 
the puzzle:

If I run fink selfupdate on the command line, it works.

If I run fink selfupdate in FinkCommander it can't connect 
to bindist.finkmirrors.net (it times out).  It is definitely 
doing rsync and not cvs, and I checked what FinkCommander 
thinks the environment it, and it shows the web-proxy 
configuration correctly.

Any idea how I could fix this?  This machine is used by 
someone else who can install their own software through 
fink, and who will prefer to use FinkCommander, being less 
happy with command line...

Many thanks for any clues,
-- Viv
Dr Viv Kendon               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Quantum Information           tel: 0113 343 3858
Physics & Astronomy          University of Leeds

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