Message: 1
     Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2007 12:35:00 -0700 (PDT)
     From: Enzo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
     Subject: [Fink-users] Odd issues with Fink-0.8.1-Intel
     Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
     Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
     I just upgraded my mac from a G5 to an Intel mac. So,
     I needed to reinstall fink. My office mate did the
     same thing about a week earlier and doesn't have any
     of the problems I am having.
     I used the installer, added unstable/main and cyrpto,
     configured to not use binaries and use the nearest
     site (US). Then selfupate-cvs, and update-all. It
     built a bunch of stuff and then off I went to start
     installing my missing apps.
     I tried to install python25 and it failed on db44 and
     tckl, which it didn't for my office mate (reported to
     fink-dev list). I installed them with apt-get and they
     seem to work. That is I could build and use python2.5
     I did notice that some of the download mirror sites
     didn't work and I had to tell it to try the next one
     several times.
     Does anyone have any suggestions at to what is going?  

I just rebuilt tcltk and  db44 on my intel iMac with no problems,
so it must be something other than the packages. Be sure you have
the most recent Xcode and X11 installed.

You need to post the failures to diagnose what went wrong.

fink -y update-all will keep hunting for mirros until it finds a good one.

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