Kevin Bradley wrote:
> Gimp 2.4 came out this week.  The Gimp site mentions that to upgrade I
> can check MacPorts or Fink.  Now, I've been using GimpSHOP, but
> thought that I should try using the full version of Gimp, especially
> with the improvements in 2.4.
> Imagine my surprise, then, when I check Fink to find that the version
> of Gimp in Fink is listed as 1.2.5.  Wouldn't this be an incredibly
> old version?  
> I tried update-all, but no change.  l enabled unstable, but got no
> info on the unstable version (it was blank).
> I'm using a PPC and FinkCommander.  Is something wrong with my
> installation, or is it reporting the actual truth?
> Kevin Bradley
> --
Don't believe everything websites tell you. ;-)

Fink does support a newer GIMP, under the guise of the gimp2
package--you can actually have both simultaneously.  However, this
version is still oldish (2.0.6).  cf.

Work is almost done to allow updating GTK+2 to a newer version (which is
a complicated mess) and that is required for a newer GIMP to be in Fink.

Alexander K. Hansen
Fink User Liaison/Documenter
akh AT finkproject DOT org

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