
Thanks for the answer.

> PatchScript: perl -pi -e 's|/bin/sh|/bin/bash|'

This patch allows rkhunter to be installed.

> But as far as I can tell, the rkhunter script itself is a sh script, 
> too, and it is probably using the same broken syntax, so I wouldn't bet
> that it works on Leopard.

As far as I can tell rkhunter is not working too badly, but for '-e' at
the beginning of every line.

I have just noticed the following probably due to my ignorance:

I did a first run and all nonscript files in /usr/bin and friends passed
the tests. Then I noticed that I was supposed to run 'rkhunter --propupd'.
So I did it and now I get a warning for all the files and the log says:

-e [10:10:06] /bin/bash                                         [ Warning ]
-e [10:10:07] Warning: Unable to obtain current properties for file '/bin/bash'
-e [10:10:07] Warning: Unable to obtain current write permission for file 

What mistake did I make?

Thanks again.


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