Sorry for the crosspost, but I'm trying to reach as many people as possible.

As best as I can tell, our cvs-proxy package doesn't work on Leopard
(possibly not even on Tiger); and I've discontinued providing cvs there
in any case, since Xcode provides the latest version.  I'm trying to
find a more reliable solution for people with http proxies.  I don't
have one, myself, and I don't really have enough time to try setting one up.

According to the info page for cvs on Leopard, people should be able to
try the following syntax  there:

cvs d-:pserver;;proxyport=8000:\ login

cvs d-:pserver;;proxyport=8000:\ co fink

where you need to replace '' by your proxy address, and '8000' 
by your actual proxy port.  

This is supposed to be available as of cvs 1.12.7, so people using the 
"cvs-testing" package on Tiger should be able to try it, too.

If I get feedback that this works for someone, then I'll update the 
documentation appropriately.  And if this is a robust option, then perhaps a 
modification to fink is in order.

Thanks in advance.
Alexander Hansen
Fink User Liaison

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