could this be at all related to the security update, the one before  
last? i'm pretty sure apple changed something in x11 for tiger. this  
is when i started noticing the odd behavior of x11 at startup.

On 24 Apr 2009, at 15:32, Charles Lepple wrote:

> On Apr 24, 2009, at 10:05 AM, Jean-François Mertens wrote:
>> On 24 Apr 2009, at 10:42, Martin Costabel wrote:
>>> Charles Lepple wrote:
>>> []
>>>> 'grep -c' should be able to cope with empty input (returning 0), as
>>>> long as you are passing a regex (in this case,
>>>> 'org.finkproject.dbus-
>>>> session'). Are you sure it isn't something else?
>>> Well, I tried this: On 10.4.11, I run
>>>   launchctl list | grep -c foo
>>> It returns "0" eventually, but it can take a long time to do so,
>>> sometimes up to a minute.
>>> This is not deterministic; sometimes it returns immediately. A  
>>> simple
>>> "launchctl list" returns immediately every time, as does the
>>> command I
>>> proposed,
>>>   (echo ""; launchctl list) | grep -c foo
>>> Weird.
>> Really weird ...
>> Trying to confirm this, I get, on 10.4.11,
>>> # while true; do time { launchctl list | grep -c foo ; } ; done
>>> 2>&1 | fgrep real
>>> real    0m4.101s
>>> real    0m0.058s
>>> real    0m0.030s
>>> real    0m0.024s
>>> real    0m0.037s
>>> ...
>> all the rest of the same order; only the first is long.
>> And launchctl list | wc -l  gives only 15
> Looks like you're testing this as root. If you run this as a regular
> user with no other launchd jobs, that's when 'launchctl list' might
> return nothing.
>> On 10.5, all results are between .5 and 1 second; with no difference
>> between
>> the first and subsequent ones.
>> There launchctl list | wc -l  gives 142 ...
>> (All this is with fink's grep, but I don't think grep is at issue
>> here ..)
> I wouldn't rule out potential differences in grep. Also, the
> parentheses that Martin used add a subshell to the pipeline.
> Martin, can you still fix the delay by using '{ echo ""; launchctl
> list; }' instead of '( echo ""; launchctl list )'?
> Also, have we established that everyone is actually using /bin/bash
> for the command-line tests?
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