On 03/08/2009, at 21:10, Richard E. Miles wrote:
> I have got kfe4 mac native apps installed on my system. Is there a kde
> menu application I can use to select applications?
> I am Using imac intel  Mac OS x 10.5.7

Hello, Richard. Fink KDE4 native applications reside under /sw/opt/ 
kde4/mac/bin. Some of them are application bundles (those applications  
whose name end with .app, similar to 'standard' Mac OS X applications)  
and are available under /sw/Applications. For these applications Fink  
also places shortcuts under /Applications/Fink (/Applications being  
the 'standard' place where applications reside on Mac OS X).

As far as I know there's no specific menu for KDE applications.



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