On Jan 11, 2013, at 6:04 PM, Alexander Hansen <alexanderk.han...@gmail.com> 

> On 1/11/13 7:13 AM, Alexander Hansen wrote:
>> (switching cc to the pil-py27 maintainer)
>> Sorry for the confusion.  I meant that the package build procedure
>> should set CPPFLAGS.  fink deliberately doesn't use your local
>> environment settings.  That's something for the maintainer to do, or to
>> set up as per
>> http://finkers.wordpress.com/2009/07/24/creating-local-packages/
>> On 1/11/13 6:45 AM, Josh Granek wrote:
>>> pil-py27 is the package that was looking for X11/Xlib.h, the dependency 
>>> connection to biopython is:  biopython-py27 -> reportlab-py27 -> pil-py27
>>> I have banished the symlink from my computer, and I have tried both of the 
>>> following without success (relevant error message below).  I am a fairly 
>>> unsophisticated fink user, and its been a long time since I worked with 
>>> gcc, so I would appreciate suggestions about how to get this to work the 
>>> "Right Way"
>>> export CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/X11/include"; fink install pil-py27
>>> export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/X11/include"; fink install pil-py27
>>> Thanks!
>>>             Josh
> This is now fixed.

Even better, I just updated pil-py to use the Pillow fork of PIL. PIL 1.1.7 
came out in 2009 and development seems to have basically stopped. Pillow is up 
to 1.7.8, is a drop-in replacement and is actively developed. It also already 
knows about /usr/X11/include. :)


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