On 5/28/13 7:33 AM, Dominique Dhumieres wrote:
> On Core2Duo OSX 10.6.8, I see the following glitches:
> Can't resolve dependency "liboctave343-gcc48-dev" for package
> "io-oct343-1.2.2-1" (no matching packages/versions found)

Oops.  Over-synced that from 10.7/ .  Fixed now.

> and
> Failed: Illegal version specification '>= 4.0.2-2) (-atlas = -atlas) 
> atlas-shlibs (>= 3.10.1-1' for package suitesparse-shlibs

And I forgot a "," in octave305.  I shouldn't package when I'm sleepy. :-)

> Dominique

The updates should be available shortly.  Thanks for the reports.

Alexander Hansen, Ph.D.
Fink User Liaison
My package updates: http://finkakh.wordpress.com/

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