On 26/11/13 23:08, Viv Kendon wrote:
> Having been running my own private bindists to save
> compiling the same thing for several similar macs, I
> discovered this some years ago[*], some of the bindist code
> has been disabled or removed from fink when there was no
> official bindist.  I was advised then to use sudo apt-get
> update followed by sudo apt-get dist-upgrade after setting
> the correct lines in /sw/etc/apt/sources.list
> This works, but has the undesirable effect of not updating
> the package descriptions, only the lists of available debs.
> So I do run fink selfupdate after doing the apt-get
> commands.
> It would be nice to have the bindist functionality restored,
> but it does work OK with apt-get.
>> From: Viv Kendon <v.ken...@leeds.ac.uk>
> To: Fink Users Mailing List
> <fink-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
> Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2009 15:26:56 +0000 (GMT)
> Subject: [Fink-users] using own binary dist with 10.6

I see. You should get some medal for staying with Fink despite years of 
suffering :-)

Apparently this has been broken since the first x86_64 distribution. 
Over on the fink-devel list, thesin has now found the explanation:

> the issue was that apt was converting _ into %5f in the debarch
> darwin-x86_64 = darwin-x86%5f64 in the deb file name.  So fink could
> never find it and thus thought it wasn't present.

He fixed it in Fink/PkgVersion.pm. The next fink release should bring 
the fix to everybody.


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