During an update-all the build for svn-swig-pm5162 fails:

Setting up fink-buildlock-svn-swig-pm5162-1.8.8-1 (2014.03.05-11.31.37) ...

sudo -u fink-bld [ENV] sh -c /tmp/fink.1hhvs
env LANG=C LC_ALL=C /sw/bin/tar  --no-same-owner --no-same-permissions
-xf /sw/src/subversion-1.8.8.tar.bz2
sudo -u fink-bld [ENV] sh -c /tmp/fink.4zEkj
perl -pi -e "s/PACKAGE_NAME='subversion'/PACKAGE_NAME='subversion18'/" configure
perl -pi -e 's/(`echo \$\$inst`)/${1}18/' Makefile.in
perl -pi -e "s/clang/gcc/" configure
sudo -u fink-bld [ENV] sh -c /tmp/fink.YoU8C
#! /bin/bash -ev
 ### Recreate build-outputs.mk to not include already installed libs
 ./gen-make.py --installed-libs
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./gen-make.py", line 323, in <module>
    main(conf, gentype, skip_depends=skip, other_options=rest.list)
  File "./gen-make.py", line 60, in main
    generator = gen_module.Generator(fname, verfname, other_options)
  File "build/generator/gen_make.py", line 68, in __init__
    gen_base.GeneratorBase.__init__(self, fname, verfname, options)
  File "build/generator/gen_base.py", line 78, in __init__
  File "/sw/lib/python2.7/site-packages/configparser.py", line 708, in read
    with open(filename, encoding=encoding) as fp:
LookupError: unknown encoding:
### execution of /tmp/fink.p9CZT failed, exit code 1
### execution of /tmp/fink.YoU8C failed, exit code 1
Removing runtime build-lock...
Removing build-lock package...
/sw/bin/dpkg-lockwait -r fink-buildlock-svn-swig-pm5162-1.8.8-1
(Reading database ... 48488 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing fink-buildlock-svn-swig-pm5162-1.8.8-1 ...
Failed: phase compiling: svn-swig-pm5162-1.8.8-1 failed

Before reporting any errors, please run "fink selfupdate" and try again.

If you continue to have issues, please check to see if the FAQ on Fink's
website solves the problem.  If not, ask on one (not both, please) of
these mailing lists:

    The Fink Users List <fink-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
    The Fink Beginners List <fink-beginn...@lists.sourceforge.net>,

with a carbon copy to the maintainer:

    Daniel Johnson <dan...@daniel-johnson.org>

Note that this is preferable to emailing just the maintainer directly,
since most fink package maintainers do not have access to all possible
hardware and software configurations.

Please try to include the complete error message in your report.  This
generally consists of a compiler line starting with e.g. "gcc" or "g++"
followed by the actual error output from the compiler.

Also include the following system information:
Package manager version:
Distribution version: selfupdate-cvs Wed Mar  5 11:31:09 2014, 10.9, x86_64
Trees: local/main stable/main
Xcode.app: 5.0.2
Xcode command-line tools:
svn-swig-pm5162-1.8.8-1 is set to build with only one job.

Subversion Kills Productivity. Get off Subversion & Make the Move to Perforce.
With Perforce, you get hassle-free workflows. Merge that actually works. 
Faster operations. Version large binaries.  Built-in WAN optimization and the
freedom to use Git, Perforce or both. Make the move to Perforce.
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