On 4/19/14, 5:07 AM, Fero Hetes wrote:
> Hi, I’m running mac OSX 10.9.2, Fink version.
> today I wanted to install this package:
> http://pdb.finkproject.org/pdb/package.php/pvpgn-mysql?rel_id=10.6-x86_64-current-stable
> but unfortunately it didn’t even appear in my list of packages, how can
> i access the package if it isn’t even described if it is stable or
> unstable? Is there any command for that?
> I know it works on my system and that it is stable. (
> https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!topic/pvpgn-users/nxDbSQfCxmQ )
> thank you for reply.
> --
> Fero Hetes
> Sent with Sparrow <http://www.sparrowmailapp.com/?sig>

The fact that a package builds elsewhere for your system really just 
indicates that it isn't completely impossible to do it.  Also, our 
"stable" or "unstable" designations were completely independent of how 
upstream regarded a release.  They only referred how well a package was 
tested in Fink, and we aren't currently using 'unstable' at all.

Fink requires a description file for how to build a package for each OS 
X version.  Some OS versions share descriptions, but 10.7 and later 
don't share descriptions with 10.6 and earlier.  What happened here is 
that the maintainer never told us to move the package when 10.7 came 
out.  We were only migrating packages which were known to build, and 
apparently nobody else had asked about it.

I was able to use the 10.6 package descriptions for 10.9, so I just now 
added them for 10.7-10.9.  They should show up in your package list 
shortly after a "fink selfupdate"
Alexander Hansen, Ph.D.
Fink User Liaison
My package updates: http://finkakh.wordpress.com/

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