
I am trying to install fink-0.38.0 on Yosemite.  I am using the script provided 
at https://github.com/fink/scripts/blob/master/srcinstaller/Install%20Fink.tool

It failed at BOOTSTRAP PHASE THREE: installing essential packages to /sw with 
package management.
No apt-cache present...skipping binary downloading for now

The following 25 packages will be installed or updated:

 apt apt-dev apt-shlibs base-files bzip2 bzip2-dev bzip2-shlibs debianutils

 dpkg dpkg-base-files fink fink-mirrors gettext-bin gzip libgettext8-dev

 libgettext8-shlibs libiconv libiconv-bin libiconv-dev libncurses5

 libncurses5-shlibs ncurses sensible-utils tar unzip

The following additional package will be installed:


Default answer will be chosen in 60 seconds...

Do you want to continue? [Y/n] 




| Attention!


| Package dev-tools is an autogenerated virtual package.


| You cannot manipulate this type of package using the usual Fink tools.

| A detailed description of this package follows...


| This package represents the basic command-line compiler and

| related programs.  In order for this package to be "installed",

| you must have /usr/bin/gcc and /usr/bin/make available on your

| system.  You can obtain them by installing the Apple developer

| tools (also known as Xcode).  The latest versions of the Apple

| developer tools are always available from Apple at:


|   http://developer.apple.com/


| (free registration required).

| If you are on OS X 10.7 or later, you should install the

| Xcode Command Line Tools package if you have Xcode 4.3 or later

| or if you just want the command-line tools. This can be

| installed either as a separate download from the above site, or

| from the Downloads pane of Xcode 4.3+'s Preferences.


| Web site: http://www.finkproject.org/faq/usage-general.php#virtpackage



### execution of /tmp/fink.1SIDB failed, exit code 1

phase compiling: dev-tools-0-1 failed

Package manager version: 0.38.3

Distribution version: selfupdate-point (bootstrap), 10.10, x86_64

Trees: local/main stable/main stable/crypto

Xcode.app: 6.1.1

Xcode command-line tools:

Max. Fink build jobs:  1

I tried to do "fink selfupdate" but I get "fink: command not found"
I would appreciate any help on this.
Thank you,
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