Thanks for this Alexander. I understand that I may not be able to get step
by step instructions. I guess I would ask then, is it possible to install
this software on OSX? Is there another way you would suggest?

Thanks for kind reply though,  and really saved me a lot of what could've
been wasted time.

Take care

On Saturday, September 5, 2015, Alexander Hansen <> wrote:

> On Sep 5, 2015, at 15:19, William Alexanders <
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I'm new to fink, and was just able to install it on my Mac OSX 10.7.5 -
> I want to install a particular program, its called OpenMolar, onto my OSX
> Yet, I have no idea how to do it. I wanted to ask if one could provide me
> step by step instructions, that would be extremely helpful!
> Sorry if this can be found on the Fink documentation, but this would help
> immensely,
> William Alexanders
> Sorry, nobody is likely to be able to provide you with step-by-step
> instructions.
> That package isn’t in the Fink distribution, so your best bet would be to
> read any general install-from-source instructions that the open molar
> developers provide.  The best we can do here would be to clarify what Fink
> package might be required for a specific requirement.
> Or possibly one of our developers might be persuaded to package that in
> Fink.
> --
> Alexander Hansen, Ph.D.
> Fink User Liaison
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