I attempted to update virtuoso, but it depends upon system-openssl-dev which 
has not been updated to 10.11:

fink update virtuoso
Information about 9373 packages read in 2 seconds.
~ clip ~
Can't resolve dependency "system-openssl-dev" for package "virtuoso-6.1.8-5" 
(no matching packages/versions found)
Exiting with failure.

virtuoso actually seems to use openssl100-ssl rather than openssl, and 
system-openssl-dev does not currently exist in 10.11
By the way, updating to fink 0.39 and then installing 10.11 went smoothly. Of 
course we don’t yet have the binaries. Thanks everyone who works on fink for 
getting the distribution up and running on the new OS X.

Gary K Olson

my kit:
Package manager version: 0.39.0
Distribution version: selfupdate-rsync Sat Oct  3 11:10:30 2015, 10.11, x86_64
Trees: local/main stable/main local/injected
Xcode 7.0.1
Build version 7A1001
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