
Thanks for your advice. I'm not entirely out of the woods yet. After three rounds of "selfupdate", "scanpackages" (recommended during "selfupdate"), and "update-all", I still get error messages, but different after each iteration.

Yet when I look at "list intalled" the collection of installed items seems complete; I've been using fink for years, have a sizable colleection of packages, and the ones that I use most often are, at least, al there.

But when I test them out (X11 dependent ones), I get know graphics output. I suspected XQuartz, and so updated it to v.2.7.8 (Im running Mac OS 10.10.5). Now that new XQuartz program won't start! Of course, that's not your problem (though I'd appreciate any wisdom on XQuarz compatibility issues).

I don't want you assistance to go unanswered. But, as my highschool Latin teacher used to say: "Non progretti regretti est".

Bob Wohlhueter

On 11/13/15 12:04 PM, Alexander Hansen wrote:

On Nov 13, 2015, at 07:01, Robert Wohlhueter < <>> wrote:

Dear Fink Users,

Running fink under MacOS 10.10.5 (on a MacBookPro):
I ran`sudo fink selfupdate successfully, but when I then try
`sudo fink update-all`, I get an error message:

[summer-3:Contents/MacOS]14 bobw% sudo fink update-all
Scanning package description files
not a reference at /sw/lib/perl5/Fink/ line 1887.

Don’t use “sudo” with fink under normal circumstances. fink will acquire elevated privileges for itself.

And the update terminates. Attempting to update just a single package
generates the same message.

The update procedure to OS 10.11 (as featured on <>) is inappropriate, as I am still on 10.10. But the `fink cleanup --deb` seemed
interesting, so I tried it:  got the same error message.

Here's a snippet of around line 1887:

 if (Storable::store($ref, $tmp)) {
        chmod 0644, $tmp; # Should be world-readable
        unless (rename $tmp, $file) {
print_breaking_stderr("Error: could not activate temporary file $tmp: $!");
            return 0;

The "" file is owned by root, but is world-readable. So, I'm clueless as to what's going on! Maybe I'm looking at the wrong line numbering. I wold be happy to attach my whole "", if that would help.

It really wouldn’t. We all have the same file. The issue is that $ref isn’t being set earlier as a reference for some reason—ideally we would have a human-readable message, but this problem seems not to come up very often.

Any help will be appreciated.

Bob Wohlhueter
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Try “fink reinstall fink”, and if that doesn’t work, try running “sudo /sw/lib/fink/”.

Typically errors involving the Storable database are from binary incompatibility due to changing Perl versions (e.g. on OS upgrade), and the the script does some rebuilding.

Alexander Hansen, Ph.D.
Fink User Liaison

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