On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 6:58 PM, Benny Malengier
<benny.maleng...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I wanted to test the flow code some more (as was said in the other thread,
> difficult to write a good test for the code in viscous limit), and not
> having dolphyn, I decided to see how fipy stacks up for the lid driven
> cavity, Re=1000, which is a well known example with many literature
> comparisons.

Good idea. I think testing against the literature is the correct
approach for the test case.

> Obviously, having such a convective term would be great if it makes such a
> difference :-)

For sure.

> Also a result of fluent here:
> http://www.cfd-online.com/Wiki/Lid-driven_cavity_problem on a 32x32 grid,
> but it is not written what order or method is used or how long the
> computation took.

Not much use to us then, but thanks for all, the searching around

> Would be nice if sombody can tweak it to have matching results with the
> literature, but anyway, this test has shown me fipy is adequate for my
> purposes.

I will give it a shot when I get a free day and see what I can cook
up. I would like to expand and improve the flow examples at some

> Obviously I wonder if the fully coupled matrix equation Daniel talks about
> would not also solve the problem better, however, that fortran code I refer
> to works apparently great without such a coupled solver.

It will be interesting to see when when we have that functionality in fipy.

Daniel Wheeler

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