Thanks very much for looking into this, and for taking the time to edit FiPy! I'm heading to a conference and won't be able to check out the new FiPy for several days, but I will try it out once I'm back and let you know what difference it makes on my system, and how it performs in the "adaptive" time-stepping loop that I implemented.



On Oct 5, 2010, at 3:09 PM, Daniel Wheeler wrote:

Hi Erik, I've attached a script that seems to run faster. It took
57.60s to do 200 steps as opposed to your original script, which took
183.50. In order to get some of this speed up, I had to hack the FiPy
code a little. The hack is on a branch called erik

< >

I'll review this and get it back into trunk ASAP.

A few other things:

 * turned off the viewers
 * reduced the solver tolerance (1e-7)
 * using implicit source terms that don't seem to cause any issues at
least up to 200 time steps.

I can run the script out to 300 steps without any evidence of stiffness.


On Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 2:44 PM, Erik Sherwood <> wrote:

Thanks for taking a look at my code.

For setting the desiredResidual, I just mimicked what I saw in
examples.diffusion.mesh1D (p.81 of the manual), which has a similar form for
the sweeps loop.

Using ImplicitSourceTerms for Suu, Svv, Sww, the time to take 150 steps
(dt=2.0) is cut from 141 secs to 99 secs, which is great. But if I go
further, right around step 165 I get the warning StagnatedSolverWarning: The solver stagnated. Iterations: 1.
Relative error: nan
 residual = eqn.sweep(var=var, dt=dt)

And from then on the simulation produces nothing of value. In this scenario, the FiPy makes 4-5 sweeps per step on Suu and Svv, and 1 sweep for Sww, up until the 130th step. From there the number of sweeps for Suu climbs, until
it is about 70 or so per step, until the solver stagnates.

If I try the same run parameters with Suu, Svv, Sww not as
ImplicitSourceTerms, then I can go for up to about 220 steps before the
simulation gets stuck (that is, it takes more than 300 sweeps without
achieving the desiredResidual). In this case, FiPy makes 5-6 sweeps per step on Suu and Svv, and 2 sweeps for Sww, up to the 216th step. From there, the
number of sweeps for Suu climbs again.

I suppose one thing to do would be to keep track of how many sweeps are needed for each step, and once that gets to be too high, reduce dt. That
should work whether I'm using ImplicitSourceTerms or not.

Are there other things to try?



On Sep 30, 2010, at 2:00 PM, Jonathan Guyer wrote:

I'm running a workshop right now, so won't have time to look at this for a
day or two and it sounds like Daniel is on it.

One thing that occurs to me is that you should be able to use an
ImplicitSourceTerm for Suu and Svv, which might reduce the number of sweeps.

How many sweeps are you doing?

How did you pick desiredResidual? Generally, you want to compare the
residual to the initial residual, rather than some arbitrary number.

On Sep 30, 2010, at 12:55 PM, Erik Sherwood wrote:

Thanks for taking a look at the code. I'm using FiPy 2.1.


On Sep 30, 2010, at 11:21 AM, Daniel Wheeler wrote:

Eric, Thanks for your interest in FiPy. I'll benchmark your code, but before I do that, can you tell me which version of FiPy you are using (trunk or version-2_1?) so we are comparing apples with apples. Thanks

On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 5:03 PM, Erik Sherwood <> wrote:

Hi all,

I am quite new to FiPy, which I have been using to simulate a
reaction-diffusion model of bacterial colony growth:

# Simulation parameters
d = 0.12
a0 = 1.; a1 = 1./2400; a2 = 1./120;
v0 = 0.071

# Source terms
Suu = uu*vv - uu/((1+uu/a1)*(1+vv/a2))
Svv = -uu*vv
Sww = uu/((1+uu/a1)*(1+vv/a2))

# Equations
eqXuu = TransientTerm() - ImplicitDiffusionTerm(coeff=d) - Suu
eqXvv = TransientTerm() - ImplicitDiffusionTerm(coeff=1.) - Svv
eqXww = TransientTerm() - Sww

There are three PDEs, two of which have linear diffusion terms, and
equations are coupled via nonlinear reaction terms. I hope to be
able to use
Fipy on a fairly large mesh to explore the pattern formation
of the system as certain parameters are varied, but the simulations
significantly slower than I'd expected, about 4-5 minutes per run
--inline and the pysparse solver on a 2008 Mac Pro) on a 150x150
mesh; 600x600 is more like what I'd like to be able to use.

Before using FiPy, I'd implemented the system in Matlab, just using
differences with a 9 point stencil. I haven't gotten much, if any,
speed up
using FiPy, but I think I'm not using FiPy's full capabilities, or
I've not
implemented the model in FiPy as efficiently as I could have. The
script I'm
using is below. I suspect that the looping I'm doing for the sweeps
of each
variable in succession is not the right way to go about things.
I've played
around with sweeps and time step sizes, but haven't gotten much

If the looping isn't the problem, should I try moving to trilinos?
Or should
I not expect particularly fast solution of this kind of system?

Any suggestions for better performance would be welcome.



from fipy import *
from time import clock

# Setting up the mesh
nx = 150
ny = nx

dx = 1.0
dy = dx
L = dx*nx

mesh = Grid2D(dx=dx, dy=dy, nx=nx, ny=ny)

# Simulation parameters
d = 0.12
a0 = 1.; a1 = 1./2400; a2 = 1./120;
v0 = 0.071

# Simulation variables
uu = CellVariable(name="active bacteria",
              value=0.0, hasOld=1)
ww = CellVariable(name="inactive bacteria",
              value=0.0, hasOld=1)
vv = CellVariable(name="nutrient concentration",
              value=v0, hasOld=1)

# Source terms
Suu = uu*vv - uu/((1+uu/a1)*(1+vv/a2))
Svv = -uu*vv
Sww = uu/((1+uu/a1)*(1+vv/a2))

# Equations
eqXuu = TransientTerm() - ImplicitDiffusionTerm(coeff=d) - Suu
eqXvv = TransientTerm() - ImplicitDiffusionTerm(coeff=1.) - Svv
eqXww = TransientTerm() - Sww #ImplicitSourceTerm(Sww)

# Initial conditions
x,y = mesh.getCellCenters()
radius = 10*dx
C = (nx*dx/2, ny*dy/2)
C =(0,0)
uu.setValue(UniformNoiseVariable(mesh=mesh, minimum=0.09,
uu.setValue(0.0,where=(0.05*(x-C[0])**2 + (y-C[1])**2) > radius**2)

eqns = ((uu, eqXuu), (vv, eqXvv), (ww, eqXww))

if __name__ == '__main__':
 # Do plotting if executing script from commandline
 Uview = uu
 Uviewer = Viewer(vars=uu, datamin=0., datamax=0.1)

 Vview = vv
 Vviewer = Viewer(vars=Vview, datamin=0., datamax=0.1)

 Wview = ww
 Wviewer = Viewer(vars=Wview, datamin=0., datamax=0.1)

dt = 2.0
steps = 1000
desiredResidual = 1e-6

# Loop through timesteps
tic = clock()
for step in range(steps):
 print "Step %d"%(step)

 # For each variable, equation pair, do sufficient sweeps to
 # get residual to acceptable level. When all three variables
 # have been taken care of, then we take the next time step
 for var, eqn in eqns:
    residual = 10
    sweepcount = 0
    while residual > desiredResidual and sweepcount < 300:
        #print "Sweep %d"%(sweepcount+1)
        residual = eqn.sweep(var=var, dt=dt)
        sweepcount += 1
    # Bail if residual remains too large
    if residual > desiredResidual:
        print "Unable to reduce residual!"
 if residual > desiredResidual:

 # Update the plots
 if __name__ == '__main__':
toc = clock()
print "Finished in %.3f secs."%(toc-tic)

Daniel Wheeler

Daniel Wheeler

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