On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 11:08 AM, Ram Balachandran
<ram.balachand...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am new to python and hence pardon me if the questions are too elementary.
> I have EPD 6.3.1 installed on my windows-32 bit machine.

Nothing wrong with your questions.

> I am trying to install PySparse (on my windows 32-bit) and I downloaded the
> pysparse-1.1_rc1.win32-py2.6.exe file and ran it. I don't understand how the
> exe file works. How is this different from running the setup.py file that
> comes with unzipping the tar.gz files in the sourceforge.net website.

It is similar to running "python setup.py install", but the the ".exe"
installer has prebuilt binaries so that you don't have to compile from
source, which is generally involved process. The end result should be
the same, a working copy of pysparse in site-packages.

> I
> tried 'import pysparse' at the interpreter command line and it worked fine.
> Does that mean that I am good to go and can start using Pysparse.

Well, that is definitely a good sign. Try running the fipy tests and
see. When you unpack fipy go into to the directory in which you
unpacked it and run "python setup.py test". You will get some errors,
because of some missing dependencies, but most of the examples should
pass. If pysparse isn't working then virtually all the examples will
fail. Or simply write a toy 1D diffusion problem in FiPy and run it
and see if it solves.

> If not,
> how do I test pysparse to make sure that everything is alright.
> When I download the pysparse-1.1.1.tar.gz file and unzip it I see a ton of
> folders that don't get generated when I run the executable. The instructions
> for installation appear complex too. Can someone throw some light on it.
> Your help will be greatly appreciated.

See if FiPy works, probably the best way to know. Don't worry about
the "tar.gz" if you have already installed with the the ".exe".


Daniel Wheeler

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