On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 5:43 AM, Julien Derr <julien.d...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I did that, and I still have version 2.2
> julien@derr-Precision-T1500:~/Dropbox/levelset$  python -c 'import fipy;
> print fipy.__version__'
> 2.2-dev
> is it the up to date version ? because I still get the same runtime error.

It is a version that you would get by checking out the repository (as
Benny pointed out) and then installing rather than installing a
released version.

Going back to the Traceback.

> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "simpleTrenchSystem.py", line 350, in <module>
>     runSimpleTrenchSystem(numberOfSteps = 800, cellSize = 0.05e-7)
>   File "simpleTrenchSystem.py", line 216, in runSimpleTrenchSystem
>     parallelModule=serial)
> TypeError: Grid2D() got an unexpected keyword argument 'parallelModule'

You can check and see that the example you are trying to run don't not
match your installed version of FIPy by importing the Grid2D instance
and looking at the arguments it takes.

  >>> from fipy.meshes.grid2D import Grid2D
  >>> help(Grid2D)

and you can see what arguments __init__ takes. It probably doesn't
take ParallelModule. If you go to


You'll see that the example changed 7 months ago. Where are you
getting the example from? Try going to the base fipy directory so that
you can run

   $ python examples/levelSet/electroChem/simpleTrenchSystem.py

then try

   $ set PYTHONPATH=.
   $ python -c 'import fipy; print fipy.__version__'

What do you get? Is it different from 2.2-devXXXX?

   $ python examples/levelSet/electroChem/simpleTrenchSystem.py

Does this now work?

Daniel Wheeler

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