Hi Daniel,

It works ... and that's exactly what I wanted! You're great !

Thanks a lot for your help. I used to program in Fortran and a little bit in
C++ and few months ago, I've started to use some python codes for coupling
models. So I was wondering if I could find a python library to solve PDE
instead of using fortran routines and put it them into a more global python
code. I've founded two weeks ago FiPy on the web and I'm trying to use it for my purposes. I'm currently trying some simple things to understand a little bit
more how using FiPy. My conclusion is that Fipy is very easy to use and seems
 You really did a great job !

So thanks again.


Daniel Wheeler <daniel.wheel...@gmail.com> a écrit :

Marc, Attached is a fixed script. I did two things. One was to make
sure that nx and ny are set as integers. I think they were floats,
which was causing some subtle issue or other. I thought we auto cast
them to ints internally, but who knows. That fixed the IndexError. I
also added a pylab.figure() statement as you already had a plot. The
second plot didn't seem to show up and adding the statement opened up
a new window. Seems to at least do something now. No idea if it's what
you want though. Good luck.

On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 10:34 AM, Marc Saudreau
<marc.saudr...@clermont.inra.fr> wrote:
I've got float64 in both cases !!
May my *.py file help you ?



Daniel Wheeler <daniel.wheel...@gmail.com> a écrit :

What do you get if you print numerix.array(S).dtype?

On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 9:13 AM, Marc Saudreau
<marc.saudr...@clermont.inra.fr> wrote:

Hi Daniel,

 thanks a lot. Your example works fine when I use it alone. But when I
to use it in
my code, an error occurs with the instruction v([S, S], order=1) :
   __call__    C:\FiPy-2.1.2\fipy\variables\cellVariable.py    205
IndexError: arrays used as indices must be of integer (or boolean) type

I tried to get the solution by myself but to be honest this one is a
bit disturbing.
Any solution ?

 Thanks again for your help and time


Daniel Wheeler <daniel.wheel...@gmail.com> a écrit :

Hi Marc,

CellVariable's __call__ method extracts data. So you can do the

from fipy import *
import pylab

L = 1.
n = 10
m = Grid2D(nx=n, ny=n, dx=L / n, dy=L / n)
x, y = m.cellCenters
v = CellVariable(mesh=m, value = x * y)
N = 50
S = numerix.arange(N) / float(N - 1) * L
pylab.plot(S, v([S, S], order=1))

Basically, you can extract any data from "v" with "v([x, y])" where
"x" and "y" define a set of coordinates.


On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 4:47 AM, Marc Saudreau
<marc.saudr...@clermont.inra.fr> wrote:

Hi everyone,

 I'm trying to use Fipy to solve a 2D heat transfer problem, and I need
extract from my 2D grid, some 1D profiles. For instance I need to plot
temperature versus y axis for x given.
I had a look at Fipy examples but I did not find any way to do it.
Thanks a lot for any help.

 Best regards,


Daniel Wheeler

Daniel Wheeler

Daniel Wheeler

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