On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 11:50 AM, Julien Derr <julien.d...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Daniel,
> ok so I can generate a function to do it but it is quite slow :
> def interface(phi):
>     tmp = CellVariable(name="interface", mesh=mesh,value=0.,hasOld=1)
>     for i in range(len(phi._cellInterfaceFlag)):
>         if phi._cellInterfaceFlag[i]==1:
>             tmp[i]=1
>         return tmp

Never iterate over arrays, always use vector indexing. CellVariables
are fully compatible with numpy arrays in that regard.

> I tried to implement your class idea, but I am not sure with the syntax :
> this doesn't seem to work :
> class classeinterface(CellVariable):
>     def _calcValue(self,phi):
>         for i in range(len(phi._cellInterfaceFlag)):
>             if phi._cellInterfaceFlag[i]==1:
>                 self[i]=1
>             return self
> Interface_Variable = CellVariable(name="InterfacecellvvariableI",
> mesh=mesh,value=0.,hasOld=1)
> Interface_Variable=classeinterface(phi)

An __init__ is needed that calls CellVariable's __init__ and specifies
the phi dependence. See


Daniel Wheeler

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