The "Volume" for a 2D mesh is the area of the cell. The "Volume" for a
1D mesh is    the length of the cell.

> The CylindricalGrid2D represents a wedge that subtends 1 rad.

Ah, I see now. Thank you for the clarification!
For what I want to do, I have actually found that the following few lines
of code gave me what I need:

x, y = mesh.getCellCenters()
inner_radii = x - (dx / 2)
outer_radii = x + (dx / 2)

That way I can use the radial coordinates for a few different purposes
throughout my script. Maybe this is too simple..? But it seems to give me
exactly what I want right now.

Thank you, again for all your help and patience with beginners like myself!
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