On Mar 15, 2013, at 5:08 PM, Edwin Sze Lun Khoo wrote:

> The term I tried was PowerLawConvectionTerm(coeff=(-alpha/C**2, ), var=C) but 
> I got an error that said "IndexError: id1 does not have the same size as b". 
> The rest of the error log can be found at http://pastebin.com/K4hy0GCh.

The coefficient of a convection term must be rank-1 (a vector).

A tuple of rank-0 Variables is not the same thing as a rank-1 Variable. Since C 
is, by definition, scalar, alpha must be a vector, so you should be able to 

 PowerLawConvectionTerm(coeff=([[-alpha]]/C**2, ), var=C) 

or, better yet,

 PowerLawConvectionTerm(coeff=([[-alpha]]/C.faceValue**2, ), var=C) 

> I also tried declaring the term explicitly, but the solver could not converge 
> after when sharp gradients in C appeared.

I don't find that altogether surprising. If you go the explicit route, you may 
need to reduce your timesteps.

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