On Mar 20, 2013, at 6:06 PM, Jason Furtney wrote:

> Thanks again for the great software. I have been looking at linear
> advection problems with FiPy and I ran into a couple issues.
> The FiPy VanLeerConvectionTerm seems to implement the MinMod slope
> limiter as described in "Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic
> Problems" by R. LeVeque. There are two strange things about FiPy's
> implementation:

> (1) In VanLeerConvectionTerm.__getGradient() the limited slope is

I'll let Daniel address the specifics of the van Leer discretization, as he is 
much more versed in that stuff that I am.

> (2) The leading double underscore in the
> VanLeerConvectionTerm.__getGradient() method invokes Python's name
> mangler so I was unable to override this function in a derived class.

Thanks for reporting this. We've tried to clean up those mangled names (written 
a long time ago before we realized the implications), but obviously missed this 

> I implemented some other limiters in FiPy for comparison see:
> https://gist.github.com/jkfurtney/5208651 and the attached image. In
> this figure, the points for the (un-patched) VanLeerConvectionTerm are
> exactly the same as the points for the MinModConvectionTerm.
> I would like to contribute a description of the VanLeerConvectionTerm
> to the FiPy documentation. What is the url for the fipy git repo, how
> do I submit a pull request?

We migrated to git after the last release and obviously need to push new 
documentation that explains where to get the code now. Thanks for nudging us. 
The repo is at:


File a ticket at http://matforge.org/fipy/newticket. If you're fixing a bug, 
then file a "defect" ticket about the bug; if you're adding a new feature, then 
an "enhancement" ticket; etc. Then paste the result of `git request-pull 
develop origin` (or whatever is appropriate for your branch and clone) into a 
comment on the ticket. You can send a message to the mailing list about it if 
you like, but I at least should see your pull request on my RSS feed.

A `request-pull` requires that we can read your repository. If that's not 
possible, then alternatively, you can do a `git format-patch` and then attach 
the *.patch files to the ticket.

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