On Apr 25, 2013, at 11:04 AM, Bruno Huet <bruno.m.h...@lafarge.com> wrote:

>  it looks like most time is spent within a fipy function:
> fipy.variables.binaryOperatorVariable.binOp.unit
> Am I misusing fipy objects ? Could any one advise or has seen this behavior 
> before?  

I have seen bottlenecks in fipy.variables.binaryOperatorVariable.binOp.unit, 
but I don't usually find them particularly noticeable. It's an area that needs 
careful profiling and optimizing, but I haven't found that most simulations 
suffer significantly from it unless they don't run very long to begin with.

> I can send you the plot returned by pycallgraph, send the code or give you 
> any other useful information.

Please do send me your pycallgraph and your code. There's nothing wrong with 
the code snippet you show, but it's possible that there are efficiencies to be 
found in  f_11() et al.

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