Hi there,

First of all, thanks for putting this out there. I'm new to fipy, but
it seems like it is exactly the tool I need. I'm trying to couple two
Cahn-Hilliard type equations,


The equations are of course not coupled, but it serves as a minimal
example. The code crashes, and I get this Traceback:


When I replace 'eqn' with either 'eq1' or 'eq2' in the sweep method,
everything works fine. And, when I replace the right hand side of both
equations with a simple diffusion term (DiffusionTerm(var=A (or B),
coeff=1)), the code runs fine.

Is this expected behaviour? Or is there anything I can do to fix my problem?

Also, a completely unrelated question:
Is the SimpleLUSolver really iterative? It says in the documentation
that it is a "wrapper for PySparse superlu.factorize()", but this
documentation (http://pysparse.sourceforge.net/fact.html) lists it
under direct solvers (isn't LU factorisation just a way to invert the
matrix and solve the equation directly anyways?). What confuses me is
that SimpleLUSolver takes tolerance and iterations arguments. How does
it work?

Jon Eriksen
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