
I have been successful with getting Trilinos installed and running on our 
cluster. Thanks for helping to resolve the parallelization issues but now 
there's another matter.

I have a volumetric heat source and if I add 50 Joules of energy into a mesh 
during a short run, then at the end I have been able to use Q= mass * 
heatCapacity * deltaTemperature across the mesh and I find 50 Joules. I'm using 
constant density and heatCapacity values (no Temperature dependance).

I'm confident I have the heat source and FiPy equation set up correctly. 

However, when I run in parallel I find more that 2x the amount of energy and 
higher temperatures in the mesh. I've run 3 different mesh densities and the 
problem changes with mesh density but appears independent of the step size 
(delta Time).

If I set the FIPY_SOLVERS environment variable to 'trilinos' I get good results 
with a single core. All I'm changing is the -np in the mpirun command (and the 
corresponding resources in the "PBS -l select=" command). I'm running the 
single thread job through the same PBS process as the parallel job with 8 or 16 



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